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Exploring the Void

A Lent Course

Nicholas Calver and Judith Calver

978 0 232 52751 3
Paperback |96 pp |156 x 105 mm
Price: £5.95

Exploring the Void is a brand new Lent course, based on the internationally-acclaimed film Touching the Void. The book and film tell the gripping true-life tale of two climbers’ fight for survival when disaster strikes during an expedition in the Andes. Using the film as a starting point for discussion, Exploring the Void is a course that appeals to people of all ages. Arranged into five group sessions, it relates themes and issues raised by this gripping story to our own journey through life: Travelling companions; Plateaux and summits; Breaking free; Decision making; Out of the void. Each session includes extracts from the film, questions for group discussion, personal reflection and worship. The book also includes suggestions and guidelines for course leaders, an introduction and further reading to support the main group sessions.

Nicholas Calver has been vicar of St John the Evangelist, Redhill, Surrey since 1997.
Judith Calver is an editor and journalist.
ISBNs: 9780232527513 978-0-232-52751-3 Title: exploring the void