
The Art of Spiritual Writing

Discovering your most authentic writing … and more about yourself on the way

Eirene Palmer and Richard Palmer

978 1 915412 92 8
Paperback |160 pp |198 x 126 mm
Price: £12.99

978 1 915412 93 5
eBook |160 pp

'There’s a lovely phrase at the start of the Anglo-Saxon epic when Beowulf the hero says he is going to ‘unlock his word-hoard’, meaning the treasury of language that will express the essence of his story. You are on a journey of your own, no less epic, to discover and explore the treasure within you. This book offers a delightfully accessible, practical and comprehensive guide to making this journey through writing, beginning with the single step of picking up a pen or opening a laptop. It presents a whole range of different approaches – an invaluable set of keys to help you unlock your own ‘word-hoard’ and let your soul tell her story.'

Margaret Silf

Who am I? That is one of life’s deepest questions, common to us all, and it can be the work of a lifetime to find the answer.

In The Art of Spiritual Writing, Eirene Palmer and Richard Palmer, both published authors and leaders of Christian spiritual retreats, demonstrate how clearer self-awareness can come through the practice of writing. This practical, friendly, transformative book offers a treasure trove of ideas to help you write about your spiritual life from that deep reflective place that is inside each of us.

It shows you how your writing can help you explore your own journey, past, present and future, exploring those areas of unique individual interest and maybe recording your story for others. It will help you to discover the value of writing meditative and reflective work, as well as the benefits of writing for therapy and prayer. It also provides invaluable advice, good journalling practices, and tips for encouraging readers to get into the habit of daily writing and reflection.

Eirene Palmer with her husband and co-author, Richard, is fascinated by the individual journeys we all undertake. For the last ten years Eirene and Richard have developed and run many courses on mapping our spiritual journeys, on creative journalling and other relevant writing techniques to better understand these explorations. They also lead popular three-day writing retreats. Experienced published authors, they have both undertaken Masters in Creative Writing, have run a large writers’ group and are spiritual accompaniers. In writing this book, they bring together all of this expertise and experience to help others to better understand and to write about their own life stories.
ISBNs: 9781915412928 978-1-915412-92-8 Title: the art of spiritual writing ISBNs: 9781915412935 978-1-915412-93-5 Title: the art of spiritual writing